Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Personal proverbs

These are personal proverbs I have come up since 2001 (when I was 17 years old) up and till current day. I have placed them in order as they came up and it reflects different points of my development. Some are unoriginal rehashes and other are obvious as daylight but there are some hard-hitters. I'll add them as they come along.

One cannot expect to satisfy both sides in the tossing of a coin

Waste your time grieving over time wasted yesterday and tomorrow will be wasted grieving over the time wasted today

Even misery smiles as you stand alone and weep

When a flame is lit, it either warms or burns

There's beauty in almost everything. Even death

Time stretches to its furthest when boredom or torment are at play

Even the most raging storms come to an end

Even the worst tragedies of the present may be the setting of the greatest moments of ones future

The first step to understanding the world is by understanding the self

Reliance on others is the expectance of failure

Opportunity doesn't seek you but, rather, you must seek it for yourself

If you dare to change, then let it be for the better

In order to walk properly, one should know the grounds he treads upon

In order to rise, one should expect to fall in the beginning

The soul is food for music

At times we get so caught up in the words that we tend to miss the big picture

A soul does not cry the same note forever

Failing is necessary for success to follow

By appreciating the minuscule things, the big picture
may come together more easily

To tear down is much easier and quicker than to build up

In theory we are but dust. In thought we are but emotions. And in death we are but released

Don't expect anything to fall in your lap

Dreams should be different for everyone, otherwise we'd all come out of an assembly line

Don't live for other people. Once they are gone your whole life goes with them

It's you who should own dreams, not the dreams owning you

Some situations can't be mended but can be stopped from further damage

Never take ignorance lightly, because their consequences weigh heavily

Bittersweetness, life's sense of humor is an acquired taste

Little mistakes come in high prices

What is man other than a reflection of the past, a projection of the future and the emotions that binds them?

The best and worst influences to a person stems from one root: the self

There should be no room for guilt nor regrets if you did all you can do

Legends aren't born... they are made

If you keep looking for something, you will eventually find it. Stop looking for something you don't want to find

Follow the flock and one day you will be led off the cliff

Excuses are but a justifications to one's failures

The most self-hazardous people are the ones who choose "tomorrow" as a starting point to change

None of us look the same. Why should our goals be?

The only thing worth culturing should be in a petri-dish

Even the most skilled workman is impotent without his equipment

If you really think about it, everyone is a little "out there" if they only allow themselves to think

Anything above 0% means there's a chance. As long as that is established, then the odds are in my favor

Follow your passion and you will sleep better at night

We live in a world that prides itself in the theory of common sense but falters at its application

Everyone wants everyone to follow everyone else's hopes and dreams

Life is too short and frail to live it for others

Thinking: universally available but socially unacceptable

Many times we would like to believe that we are thinking independently when were are merely contemplating other people's thoughts

Truth is highly subjective. Without our choice of personal choice, we subject ourselves to psychological slavery and tyranny. Tragically this is the foundation of modern society.

Pride is the creation of the ego and is the leading cause of death

The treachery of man's tongue: whence recognized the true power of its clout may sway over minds of others more than any treasure the world can offer. Enough empires have fallen and countless people dead fighting from its influence to where other planets could have been populated with their corpses and piled with their ruins.

Even if all the evil in the world embodied a single person. He would be rendered useless had he not been able to harness the power and influence of his spoken word

To know that I don't know makes me more knowledgeable than most

Optimists believe in the good of the people. Pessimists believe in the bad of the people. Realists believe in both and how they are entwined to weave our world as we perceive it

An excess of faith in one thing is simply deadly

In the death of ignorance comes the light

One has to seek in order to receive. Don't expect to receive anything lest you do

Whatever I do, I do it with a sense of originality and a streak of eccentricity

One needs to love themselves first and foremost. Without that you won't be able to love anyone else

To merely exist is simply unacceptable

Reality is merely a perception that is challenged seldomly

Society's the beast of the many that consumes the progress of the few

We are our own limitations to ourselves and each other. An intertwined handicap

Put the guilt of god in man and he will do anything no matter how absurd

You are the only hero you know of. Save yourself

The educated mind: the source of more our problems than a resource to our solutions

It is much more rewarding to learn little from a humble teacher than to learn a lot from an arrogant one

Money can buy happiness but not fulfillment

No effort is futile

Life's an enigma that was never meant to be understood but only to be lived and appreciated

Change is imminent. Might as well make it interesting

We live in a world of theories that trump reality

The world doesn't take kindly to those who are giving

With every gift comes a curse

People are always going to talk. Let them do so about something you believe in rather than something you think you should believe in to keep them from talking

There is no absolute truth and if there is then we wouldn't know it. If we did know it then we still wouldn't know that we know

Being in harmony with my true self has led me to disharmony with society

Sometimes you do not need to look in order to be able to find

God made shitty days so that we may enjoy the special ones

Mediocrity is a by-product of the dispassionate

A genius is nothing lest he applies himself. Therefore, it is the applied-genius who can truly make a difference

Ignorance is the leading cause of unnecessary deaths and miseries world wide

Life is short. Savor the experience and learn everything you can.

Success isn't the absence of failure but, rather, is the ability to rise again after failing and getting to know what not to do again. Resilience and experience are the ultimate keys to success

In order to awaken the world one must awaken himself. Change always starts from within

It is simply beyond me to as why men nail coffins before even checking what's inside

People are so desperate for answers that they are willing to believe anything that is told or written

We live in a world that seems to value honesty as the second-best policy. Even second-best is an overstatement

At the end of the day, it is you who has to spend the rest of your life with your decisions

New day. New life. New chance

Many dream the stars. Very few reach for it and even less attain it

Don't wait for a miracle. Make one

It's amazing how some people are willing to cut off their feet to avoid having their toes stepped on

Every society needs to have its idiots so that they may do what's necessary as instructed by the wise in order to move it forward

For the longest time I have tried to control and direct where life will take me, where I'll be and feared if it shall not materialize till I have concluded that life is simply put: making my peace with what is and what shall come

"Impossible" is the proverb of the mediocre

Conquer the weakness before the weakness conquers you

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