Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I am a marble slab.

Michael Angelo quoted "Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it." This shows the level of reality of a genius. After all, reality is a perception and a legend's perception of reality is worth listening to.

I'm not sure what made me think about it yesterday but I saw myself as that block of stone where there's an amazing legend-worthy statue and my work is to carve away the unnecessary stone to reach that amazing statue that's going to be remembered. Hence change is the carving away that which is unnecessary to reach the best possible self. The ideal self who can make a difference in his life and in the life of others.

Hence, change is of absolute necessity. People's advice of "be yourself" is an empty phrase since they mean one shouldn't change. Not change and deprive yourself and the world of the masterpiece that is you? Truly, we are in a world run by morons.

Taking change to a whole extreme level. Had we decided to never implement change, then we should be crawling on all fours and not speak. Anyone who's opposed to change, even a little, should might as well be opposed to major changes as well.

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