Thursday, June 9, 2011

Be Like Diamonds My Friend

Diamonds and coal are composed of the exact same element: Carbon. How is it that one is so highly prized and are known to hold their value forever while the other are sold by the bags by the pounds and yet couldn't even match a fraction of the price of its counterpart? The answer is pressure.

Diamonds are nothing more than pressurized carbon. The extreme pressure forces the molecular structure to adapt by reforming its bonds to what we know today as one of the most valued objects. All things that are worthy go through pressure. When you think about yourself and your own development, your greatest moments of development have been attained under pressure.

Examples would include education and exercise: One makes most mental progress in an educational institution by being placed under pressure. Deadlines, exams, projects, on site activities, off-site assignments etc. If one really thinks about, we really pay for the pressure more than the material presented. Think about it, the material presented is something one can get off books and websites but the pressure asserted on oneself is priceless. When one hires a trainer who may know as much as he does but forces one to go a few laps on the track or add more weights when they thought it wasn't possible, it's really the pressure the trainer puts on oneself that we truly value while their knowledge on the subject is really secondary.

Pressure comes in different form in the development of character but they all have one thing in common: they aren't pleasant. Comfort, my fellow reader, brings forth stagnation. If you're always comfortable then challenge yourself, push your limits and think of the end result. Write out the end result if need be. Make something happen. Time is merciless and there's no bargaining with it. Make claim of what you have of it now at this very minute.

The next thing going up on my vision board is an image of diamonds to remind myself what I will be as the end goal. I would suggest you do the same.

“No pressure, no diamonds." --Thomas Carlyle

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