Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Thought Pollution

From the beginning of time, the moment we were let out from the womb, we were drowned in noise. The noise of our own screaming as we gasp for air where we breathe in this life and from that moment on, we remain drowned in noise. The noise of our loved ones celebrating our arrival into this earthly ascension, to the mindless chattering of the crowds. The crowds that can never be silenced even if one plugs their own ears as though the voices defy the very laws of physics.

What do the voices say? There is very little importance to what the voices say. What's of utmost importance is what they do say something. The voices deafen us from hearing what truly matters. It deafens us from listening to the inner voice. The inner voice that tells us what we are truly ought to do with our temporary stay on this planet (also known as a calling or Dharma) Rather, we hear the mindless chatter that sells an assembly-line dream that promises happiness. "Go to school. Get married. Have children. Kneel before your creator. Praise your leader" On our individual journeys, we are gathered and herded as a "flock" with a promise to salvation (aka life fulfillment) and we willingly buy into it. After all, why should others wish to misguide us? Why would the very ones who brought us into this world do us a disfavor?

Truth be told, the ones who love us the most hurt us the most albeit unintentionally. Parents have the best of intentions but they teach us what they've been taught. What they've been taught was passed down from people who loved them as well, because that's what they were taught as well. Truth of the matter is that a part of the teaching that has been passed down to us is blindness: blindness to authority (spiritual, moral or political), blindness to what that unique calling that calls out to each individual in its own unique way is, yet we all pursue one dream: a steady job, house with a picket fence and offspring to teach the same blindness we were taught all our lives. Is it really their dream to have the 9 to 5 job, the house, the debts to the system with all the fine prints that have been well overlooked?

We have been taught blindness and most won't want to admit such a thing because of the consequence that ensues once one admits to this reality. Think about it: imagine if you wake up finding out that everything you know might possible be false? Every dream, every goal and aspiration, every belief was not true and they spent their whole lives fooling themselves? Imagine everybody wakes up the same time discovering this?! The world would be in havoc unlike it has never seen before. Better lose balance from a false platform and rediscover your balance and equilibrium on real grounds regardless of the initial difficulty. I did it. It wasn't easy. I'm not even near being done, but at least I can live with my true self than most people. At least, if I die today, I know that I died doing what fulfills me rather than what fulfills a failing system that has failed others time and time again. Most people when I would randomly ask them if they're happy, they need to pause and think about it and then would give me a weak 'yes' or a 'I guess so.' I know this much: I can't give a weak "yes" or a "I guess so" about my life. I've been given one life that I know beyond a doubt that I have. That's it.

All I know is that one day, whichever life that houses my body will leave and I'll be left with my decisions and actions. My neighbors, my family, my society will move on and forget about me and, hence, every decision I have ever made will, in the end, impact only one person: myself. I know one thing, I can't leave this world unfulfilled. I know that the car, the house and other things that I was told that I wanted will not follow me to the after life (assuming there is one) and I can't do the dance of the masses to seek acceptance. I'm letting the ship sail to where the wind blows it, not where anyone else dictated where it would go just because it's the majority's opinion of what's right.

Ask yourself why you do whatever you do and trace the root of why you've done so. You'd be surprised at how many thoughts and goals are actually yours (assuming any of them are.) Rethink everything and see where it takes you. I'd like to meet more people and less sheeple in my time here. I hope you can be one of the independent thinking people and if you're not there yet, then it's never too late to wake up. If you did however, I'd like to hear from you

“I won't tell you that the world matters nothing, or the world's voice, or the voice of society. They matter a good deal. They matter far too much. But there are moments when one has to choose between living one's own life, fully, entirely, completely—or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands. You have that moment now. Choose!”
― Oscar Wilde

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