Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Air Cells

I haven't really checked online or any dictionary on what an Air Cell is and I could care less. I believe this resonates with what I want to write about. The phenomena of an air cell is practically universal. Not only is it common amongst humans but animals and insects are victim to air cells.

Air cells are the limiting beliefs that trap us within certain confines of reality that are unnecessary most of the time. Such limiting beliefs are influenced by personal failures of the past, failures of others in the past, people's warnings or simply the fear of stepping out of boundaries we are familiar with in fear of failure, harm or even death.

The mind develops these boundaries from the moment we started setting off into the world in order to protect us. However, such beliefs could have been generalizations that are incorrect. For example: The experiment conducted in 1920 on a baby where he was exposed to a bunny where the child had no negative responses or fears towards it. Later whenever the baby was exposed to the rabbit in the experiment, loud frightening noises were made that the child was frightened to the extent of crying. The child was exposed to that same situation over and over and after that, whenever the child saw a bunny even without noise, he would get into a state of panic and would cry uncontrollably out of fear that has been associated with bunnies. The child at that point has set for himself a limiting belief in regards to bunnies. Even though such an irrational fear was induced in a lab, it doesn't change the fact that the mind associates things that are unrelated and makes a general limiting belief and irrational fears in its primitive attempt to keep us safe.

Now think about it? How many things have you come across in your life where your mind has decided to associate things with fears that are completely irrational? Think about it and think hard. Life breaks so many people and makes us imprison ourselves willingly into cells without wall nor bars. Cells that are lined with nothing but air and we play along by allowing ourselves to such an unnecessary confinement that holds us back from exploring, experiencing and knowing so much more than what we think is possible. We have made our own prisons in our own minds and have been in it for so long to where we have grown fairly comfortable in them and got so used to it to where we don't even think about the limitless possibilities out there anymore. The cell is made of air and there's no guards to even enforce it. Is this how your life was cut out to be? Is this all there is to you or are you cut out for more? If you are, then I hope this writing reaches your level of the mind to where you can find yourself in a position to where you can see what random limitations you have set out for yourself and break through them. The world is yours, just go ahead and claim it.

So many people have come and gone spending their lives in such air cells and never knew what was remotely possible. "I am safe keeping with what I know" is a mantra that kept them in there without grumbling or complaining. If you see this mantra suitable for you then please do what you may to keep yourself satisfied. Personally, this is unacceptable and undoable.

Stepping out isn't a garden of roses but it's what makes life what it is: unpredictable. Pain and mishaps come with the package and it's what renders this life its bittersweetness which is an acquired taste. Seas of exploration aren't safe but Nietzsche puts it best: "That which does not kills me only makes me stronger" Everyone who have lived fully have stuck their neck out there and have hurt time and time again but they are the ones who have truly experienced life and they are the ones worth remembering at the end. Trump got bankrupt seven times. Mozart was shunned by aristocracy and he lived much of his adult life in poverty. Those who knew Edison considered his crackpot ideas to be "crazy". The list goes on but they all had something in common: they have never allowed anyone, including themselves to tell them what they can't do!

Examples of air cells for animals and insects: If a horse is raised in a farm where the boundaries are lined by an electric wire, soon enough the wire can be replaced by a piece of string and the horses wouldn't even come near that string. Circus fleas when put in glass boxes that stops them from leaping to their furthest due to the low ceiling of the glass box will modify their leaps so that they are low enough not to hit the ceiling. Eventually, when the ceiling is removed in its entirety, the leaps will maintain their modified low jump in fear of hitting the non-existent glass ceiling.

Of all the things I have set out to do, the one thing I would truly love to be remembered by is the fact that I have lived.

Suggestion: Keep a logo of a bunny or air somewhere where you can see it a lot and often. Let it remind you that it never was the bunny that was a threat and it never was the air that stopped you from getting to where you truly want to be rather than society and people telling you and go forth to making things happen. The clock is relentless and won't make exceptions for you. Act fast. Act now!

The Little Albert experiment:

The failures of the greats:

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