Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The One True Key to Success

There are books, seminars, videos, audios and other media sources that promise success and there are still more being made. Some people spend their lives and fortunes seeking as much of those as they possibly can and fail and quickly move on to the next seminar, video etc. The truth is: there is one key determinant to success that if you possessed this, then you are practically guaranteed to succeed and it’s not a secret. 

This key is this: an unyielding attitude. That’s it. Every successful person who’s worthy of mention possessed this. Every genius who have brought forth a seed of change endured the hazards of the environment and kept on keeping on regardless of how bleak the outlook was. Think of anyone who have excelled whether it was science, politics, art or medicine. Regardless of the topic of interest, these people bore a work ethic where “quitting” or “impossible” did not exist in their vocabulary. Napoleon Hill talks of a time when he purchased a dictionary and the first thing he did was cut out the word “impossible” from that book. He had no need for such a word and hence was unstoppable once his mind has set forth a goal. 

Hence a genius isn’t a genius simply for having a higher IQ. In fact, the “higher IQ” reasoning most people tend to use is a simple cop-out to their mediocrity. Spend enough time with people who exude such a mind set and you’ll find yourself displaying the same traits. It’s no mystery to people of this generation to know that you tend to become the 4-5 people you surround yourself with. No will power can save you from the influence of the people you surround yourself with. 

Don’t believe me? Consider Thomas Edison. Over 10,000 failures before he got the incandescent light bulb to work. How many people you know would be so stubborn to try to achieve a goal that no one has ever achieved and kept at it over and over and over again till it happened? Most people would go 2-3 times. A more stubborn person would give a few more tries. Maybe even hundreds of tries but over 10,000 failures and kept at it? I’m sure you can agree that it’s rare to find people who bear such an attitude. I’m sure you can agree at this point that Edison was no smarter than you in any way. He was just as stubborn as stubborn gets and it paid off. 

Think of your failures (if you choose to call them “failures.” I’d call them learning lessons.) How many times did you give up after not getting  what you sought after? Ten times? A hundred times? Now that you’re reading this, would you say that it was enough times even if it was a thousand times? Did you blame your IQ or how unfair the world is? 

Success isn’t easy, mind you, but it isn’t impossible. Have a counter with you if you must. Keep going at it till you hit the 10,000th mark then you’ll know that you’re just around the corner from succeeding. Find this suggestion scoff-able? If so, then get comfortable not getting anywhere worth going in life.

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas A. Edison

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